United States: CA Supreme Court To Weigh In On On-Call Rest Periods

If an employee is required to be available by radio, pager, mobile phone, or the like on a rest break, does it count as a rest break? Like so much of California employment law, it depends on whom you ask.

We previously reported on Augustus v. ABM, where the court of appeal answered that question: “Yes,” explaining that requiring someone to be available to work wasn’t the same as requiring them to work. In fact, […]

By | May 6th, 2015 ||

United States: New York City Passes Laws Enhancing Enforcement Of Human Rights Law

On April 20, New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio signed a pair of bills designed to enhance the City Human Rights Commission’s investigative and enforcement efforts in the areas of employment and housing discrimination. The first of the two new laws requires the Commission to issue annual reports on the number and types of investigations it has initiated, and to disclose how many of its investigations resulted in civil actions. The second of the […]

By | May 5th, 2015 ||

Cayman Islands: CIMA: Proposed Changes To Outsourcing Arrangements For Funds Service Providers

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”) has recently released a draft Statement of Guidance: Outsourcing All Regulated Entities (Excluding Regulated Mutual Funds) (“SOG”) and Consultation Paper (“Paper”).

The Paper calls upon the private sector to make submissions to CIMA in respect of the SOG, which submissions are due to be received by 5pm Cayman Islands time on Monday, 11 May 2015. The SOG is relevant to all entities that are regulated by CIMA in the […]

By | May 4th, 2015 ||