United States: The Supreme Court Argument Date For Gay Marriage Cases Is Around The Corner

For those people who may have been living under a rock or enjoying an extended Tom Hanks-like vacation on a desert island a la Cast Away, the Supreme Court is set to hear argument in four petitions that challenge state laws in the 6th Circuit banning gay marriage. It is widely anticipated that the Justices will finally squarely confront whether banning gay marriage violates the Equal Protection Clause.

The road to the Supreme Court […]

By | April 15th, 2015 ||

United States: Looking Over Your Employees’ Shoulders

As shifting privacy lines allow employers to reach further and further into employee conduct, it’s increasingly important that you know the legal limits. Many employees will question the legality of increased employer monitoring of offsite conduct, especially when employees are off-duty.

Such monitoring may include the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking and video surveillance. It could include reprimanding employees for things like speeding tickets. These practices are within an employer’s legal rights – […]

By | April 14th, 2015 ||

United States: Distracted Driving: What’s In Your Policy?

Long before cell phones, drivers faced various distractions: eating, grooming, attending to children, changing the radio, rubbernecking someone else’s accident, becoming absorbed in a conversation, or arguing. These distractions created safety hazards and, of course, still do. So, just what is “distracted driving”? Anything that takes a driver’s attention off the task at hand, driving safely, results in distracted driving.

Distracted driving clearly includes entering phone numbers or talking on a cell phone (even hands-free) […]

By | April 14th, 2015 ||