Australia: Termination of employment: to load or not to load – that was the question

Upon termination, employers must continue to pay loading on accrued annual leave (to those employees who are entitled to leave loading), until such time as the relevant amendment has been passed through the Senate.

Late last year, in our article entitled “2014: The Year That Was”, we mentioned the workplace relations Bills which were at the time (and which, incidentally, are still) before the Senate. One of those Bills addresses an issue which has long […]

By | April 11th, 2015 ||

Australia: When is the use of volunteer labour in breach of the fair work legislation? Fair Work Commission v Crocmedia [2015] FCCA 140

It is estimated that approximately 6.1 million people perform unpaid volunteer work in Australia. There is no doubt that volunteers are a vital part of the Australian community, in many instances performing and providing fundamental services for the community. However, volunteering is not the only form of unpaid work in Australia, with most young people and recent graduates often performing unpaid work to gain experience in the hope that it may lead to paid […]

By | April 11th, 2015 ||

United States: IRS Notice 2015-17—Employer Payment Plans And The ACA’s Market Reforms

According to recently issued guidance from the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s (“ACA”) market reforms will be delayed for certain small employers that pay for individual health insurance policies for their employees. Notice 2015-17 reiterates that these arrangements constitute group health plans that fail to satisfy applicable ACA market reforms but recognizes that some small employers utilizing these arrangements may need additional time to transition to compliant group health […]

By | April 10th, 2015 ||