Recent Changes To Colorado’s Employment Discrimination Laws

The Colorado legislature recently approved significant changes to the state’s employment discrimination laws enshrined in the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (“CADA”). The modifying legislation, titled “Updates to Employment Discrimination Laws” (HB 22-1367), extends the time within which a worker may allege a violation of CADA, expands CADA’s protections to domestic workers and expands remedies available to employees who allege they have suffered age discrimination. Employers should become familiar with these changes and work with counsel […]

By | July 23rd, 2022 ||

City Enacts Law That Hinders Use Of Automated Tools In Hiring And Promotion Decisions

New York City marked the end of 2021 by enacting a law that will make it challenging, if not infeasible, to use a broad swath of algorithmic, computerized tools to review, select, rank or eliminate candidates for employment or promotion. Local Law Int. No. 1894-A, which takes effect on January 1, 2023, regulates the use of “automated employment decision tools” in hiring and promotion decisions within the city. The law, which applies to employers and […]

By | January 13th, 2022 ||

A Word To Employers: EEOC Advises COVID-19 May Be A Disability Under The ADA

COVID-19 and its related health conditions may now be considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and the Rehabilitation Act. On December 14, 2021, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) issued updated guidance on when individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or a post-COVID health condition may be considered to have a disability under the definition under Title I of the ADA or Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act. Title I of the […]

By | January 10th, 2022 ||