United States: Harvard Professor In Saudi Arabia "Helping Women There Overcome Hurdles That Prevent Them From Getting Jobs"

The NYT published an interesting piece today about Claudia Goldin, a Harvard professor who is an economist and an expert on working women.  The article discusses her trip to Saudi Arabia which was “part of an effort by a group of star academics who have taken on a project with the Saudi government aimed at helping women there overcome hurdles that prevent them from getting jobs.”

She went from the US, “with one of the […]

By | December 1st, 2014 ||

Canada: Working Outside The Employment Standards Act: Variances, Averaging Agreements, And Exclusions

Flexible shift work schedules are a familiar part of large-scale infrastructure and resource projects in British Columbia. In those industries, it is common for employees to work for several weeks, followed by a week off, work 10- or 12-hour shifts, or work some other nonstandard schedule. However, as more employers look for ways to lower payroll costs and improve flexibility, demand for flexible shift scheduling is increasing across many industries, a trend which is […]

By | November 28th, 2014 ||

Canada: The OHRC’s Christmas Present – A New Statement On Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

Ontario’s Human Rights Commission issued a statement on November 25, 2014 in relation to sexual harassment and the Ontario Human Rights Code. The statement reminds employers as to what constitutes sexual harassment as well as how to prevent it or deal with it in the workplace. The statement also links the Commission’s Policy on Preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment.

The primary recommendations of the Commission are as follows: (i) employers should have a clear and […]

By | November 28th, 2014 ||