United States: New California Law Will Require Employers To Provide Employees With Paid Sick Leave

Effective July 1, 2015, the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 will impose new paid sick leave requirements on California employers.
The New Law Covers Virtually All Employers
Almost all employers, regardless of size, are covered by the new law. The new law does not contain an exception for small employers or employers with fewer than a particular number of employees. There are very narrow exceptions to the law, such as employees who are subject […]

By | September 30th, 2014 ||

Canada: Employee Dismissed For Demanding Bonus And Saying That Employer "Could Fire Him", Not For Raising Safety Concerns, Court Decides

An employee’s demand for a bonus and assertion that his employment relationship would not be “fruitful” and that his employer could fire him, was the reason for his dismissal, a court has decided. The dismissal was not retaliation for raising safety concerns.

The employer did environmental assessment and testing. The employee was a laboratory manager. In December 2009, the employer told him that he would not get a performance bonus because he did not meet […]

By | September 30th, 2014 ||

Introduction To UK Employment Laws For U.S. Employers

This brief overview of employment laws in the United Kingdom summarizes the key issues to consider when engaging staff in the United Kingdom. The purpose of this guide is to introduce U.S. employers to key concepts of UK employment law, which may be unfamiliar to them. It is not intended to be comprehensive and employers must seek specific legal advice in relation to individual cases.
Basic Principles
The following general principles should be noted:

A number of […]

By | September 30th, 2014 ||