New Jersey Raises State Minimum Wage

This past November the voters of New Jersey approved a ballot question both raising the state minimum wage and amending the State Constitution to tie future increases to inflation. Here is what employers need to know:

Effective January 1 the state minimum wage for almost all employees has increased from $7.25 per hour to $8.25.
Going forward, the state minimum wage will be increased every January 1 in accordance with an increase in the federal government’s […]

By | January 16th, 2014 ||

Be Global: Employment law e-bulletin – December 2013

US: Whistleblowing developments

A recent decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has confirmed that the anti-retaliation provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act only confer protections to whistleblowers who report conduct to the Securities and Exchange Commission. In another case, the Southern District of New York also concluded recently that Dodd-Frank?s anti-retaliation protections do not apply to conduct outside of the United States. Further details are in […]

By | January 14th, 2014 ||

Germany: A "Permanent Temp Worker" is not the Lessee’s Employee

In Germany, many companies have resorted to utilizing temp workers through a third-party agency instead of hiring their own personnel. Temp workers typically are leased from an agency that employs the temps and assigns them to the company (lessee). This staffing model has increasingly received political criticism and judicial attention.

An area of particular concern is that some companies utilize temp workers “permanently” in order to replace parts of their regular workforce. For example, the […]

By | January 10th, 2014 ||