The Future Of The Unpaid Internship In The UK

Last month there were reports that Condé Nast, whose titles include Vogue and GQ, would be ending its internship programme in the US after being sued by two former interns. In the UK, the fashion industry was given a sharp warning last year when HMRC cracked down on unpaid schemes, and in June 2013 it was reported that nine companies including Arcadia, whose brands include Topshop and Dorothy Perkins paid out almost £200,000 compensation […]

By | December 2nd, 2013 ||

South Africa: Employee Share Scheme Dividends

Earlier this year, National Treasury proposed a new regime to prevent “disguised bonuses” being paid to employees in the form of dividends on unvested or restricted employee share scheme shares. National Treasury proposed that all such dividends received on restricted shares would be treated as taxable income and the company paying such dividend would potentially receive a corresponding deduction.

This proposal gave rise to the submission of several comments, which were duly addressed in the […]

By | December 2nd, 2013 ||

"Landmark" Affirmative Action Decision In South Africa

The use of rigid racial quotas in hiring was struck down last week by The South African Supreme Court of Appeal.  The Court held that a rigid calculus as to racial demographics, even if intended for the laudable goal of employment equity, nonetheless amounted to a forbidden quota under the Employment Equity Act of 1998.  Section 15 (3) of the Act requires an employer to use “preferential treatment and numerical goals, but exclude quotas.

In the words of the […]

By | December 2nd, 2013 ||