Finland: Supreme Court Sets New Guidelines For Termination Of Director Contracts

In case 2013:48, the Supreme Court set a precedent regarding the protection of directors against dismissal. The Supreme Court ruled that the company had legal basis to give notice to a director whose position was eliminated as a result of a cooperation procedure and the director had refused to accept the lower management position offered as an alternative. The Supreme Court states in the reasoning of the judgment that there are often special financial […]

By | November 22nd, 2013 ||

New Zealand: Restraints of trade in employment in a competitive market

There are two words that every employer fears from a key employee, “I’m leaving.” The situation is only made worse when you find out that your key employee is leaving to join a competitor!

This issue is particularly relevant in the current employment market in Canterbury. Industries which are directly or indirectly contributing to the rebuild will be placing increasing reliance on their key staff.

Retaining key staff and protecting your business if they leave to work […]

By | November 21st, 2013 ||

Singapore’s new personal data protection laws to enhance privacy protection for individuals

The Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (Act) introduces a new consumer data protection regime in Singapore which governs the collection, use, disclosure and protection of personal data by private sector organisations and provides rights of access and correction of personal data for individuals.

This update looks at the key objectives, structural framework and main data protection rules under the new regime.
Key Points:

The Act establishes a new data protection framework for the handling of personal data […]

By | November 20th, 2013 ||