United States: The Pay Gap, The Glass Ceiling, And Pay Bias: Moving Forward 50 Years After The Equal Pay Act

When the Equal Pay Act (“EPA”) became law in 1963, women earned approximately 59 cents for every dollar a man earned.1 Women today are earning roughly 80 cents on the dollar.2 While the past 50 years have seen extraordinary progress for women, the persistence of a 20 percent gender pay gap, coupled with the rapidly growing population of women in the workforce, has caused the government to reinvigorate its efforts to enforce and strengthen pay […]

By | November 26th, 2013 ||

NY Unemployment Insurance Requests – Penalties Now Imposed

ast month, the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) rather quietly effected legislation that had previously been signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on March 29, 2013, reforming New York unemployment insurance law effective October 1, 2013.  Many companies are just now beginning to receive a letter that looks this.

The reform was enacted to correct shortcomings in the previous legislation that were, at least in part, responsible for the deficiency of the state’s Unemployment Insurance […]

By | November 25th, 2013 ||

Is There A Right To Representation In A Workplace Investigation?

It is no surprise that emotions can run high during a workplace investigation. Whether the complaint concerns harassment, theft or other alleged misconduct, there is often a tendency for parties to vigorously try to advance their version of events. One way this occurs is for employees to insist on independent legal representation throughout the course of the investigation. As explained below, although the law is relatively clear on whether employees can demand representation, the […]

By | November 24th, 2013 ||