No Nexus Required Between Requested ADA Accommodation And Essential Job Function

An interesting question out of Louisiana was posed to the federal court of appeals recently.  A government attorney who was acknowledged to be disabled – osteoarthritis of the knee – requested as an accommodation a free on-site parking space.  The employer denied this request, arguing that the employee could not show “that the parking situation limited her ability to perform the essential functions of the job.”  The lower court agreed with this argument and […]

By | November 13th, 2013 ||

Canada: "Half-Hearted And Insensitive" Response To Sexual Harassment Complaint, Flawed Investigation, Results In $25,000 Damage Award

A recent case illustrates the importance of conducting a careful, sensitive investigation of sexual harassment complaints.  An employer’s “unpardonable” response to a sexual harassment complaint has resulted in an arbitrator’s rebuke and $25,000.00 in damages.

The employee was the only female inspector with the Hamilton Street Railway, the City of Hamilton’s public transit service.  She filed a complaint with the City alleging that her supervisor made a derogatory comment and had engaged in inappropriate conduct […]

By | November 12th, 2013 ||

Guernsey: Is "Freshen Up" The New Euphemism For Ageism?

Yes, according to the eccentric former Channel 4 racing pundit, John McCririck now aged 73.

During a very public dispute with his former employer, Channel 4 and the production company IMG Media Limited, Mr McCririck lashed out at his former bosses for refusing to include him in this year’s racing presenting team; he blames being dropped by the broadcaster on the grounds of his age. However, Channel 4 has indicated that his displays of extreme […]

By | November 12th, 2013 ||