Further Rulings Expected On Meaning Of ‘Establishment' For Collective Redundancy Consultation

We reported last month on the EAT decision in the Woolworths case which means that collective consultation is required whenever an employer proposes to make 20 or more employees redundant within a 90 day period, regardless of where those employees are located or how they are organised.

The Government has now been given leave to appeal this decision in the Court of Appeal and the hearing is expected to take place next month.

Questions on the […]

By | November 1st, 2013 ||

Unpaid Internships – Worth The Risk?

Over the past few years, the number of college undergraduates and recent graduates engaging in unpaid internships has grown dramatically.  One expert estimates that there are between 1 and 2 million internships each year, and that in about half of these the interns are unpaid or paid less than the minimum wage. Another source estimates that up to 30 percent of college undergraduates do an unpaid internship at some point during their education.

There are […]

By | October 31st, 2013 ||

Limitations On Severance Settlements In Quebec

Settling the terms on which departing employees leave an organization, whether as a result of termination with or without cause, resignation or retirement, is a regular part of every human resources manager’s duties.

In the case of resignation or retirement, where the action is initiated by the employee, the employer’s obligations are of course more limited, although even in these instances, certain aspects or obligations related to a departing employee’s employment may need to be […]

By | October 30th, 2013 ||