Certain Termination Indemnities Subject To Belgian Social Security Contributions

A new royal decree was published today in the Belgian State Gazette1, providing that several termination indemnities will be subject to social security contributions (withholding of 13.07% employee social security contributions and payment of approximately 35% employer social security contributions) as from 1 October 2013. Before, these indemnities were exempted from social security contributions.

This change will increase the cost to a company when paying out such indemnities.

It concerns e.g. the following:
Compensation for loss of […]

By | October 1st, 2013 ||

KiwiSaver and total remuneration – there and back again

Employers cannot build their KiwiSaver contributions into the total remuneration of a worker on the minimum wage, where the effect is to take that wage below the statutory minimum – currently $13.75 an hour.

This was confirmed by the Court of Appeal last week. We look at the basis for the decision, and the implications of it.
The decision
The case1 depended on the relationship between section 6 of the Minimum Wage Act (MWA) and section 101B of […]

By | October 1st, 2013 ||

Israel Reports Steep Increase In Sexual Harassment Complaints

Noam Barkan of Ynet News has reported that Israeli Economy Ministry’s EEOC has released the past year’s statistics relating to discrimination charges filed with it.

Workplace sexual harassment complaints increased by 45%; gender discrimination complaints increased by 35%, complaints; religious discrimination complaints increased by 30%; and pregnancy discrimination complaints increased by 26%.

Barkan quoted the EEOC Commissioner Attorney as saying that “Despite the labor market’s progress and the rise in employers’ awareness, there are still employers who […]

By | September 30th, 2013 ||