One Year On: Collective Redundancy (Notification) Act Amendments Reviewed

On March 1 2012 several amendments were made to the Collective Redundancy (Notification) Act. Under the act, an employer must notify the relevant trade unions and the Employee Insurance Agency if it intends to terminate the employment of at least 20 employees within one area within a three-month period based on economic grounds. Termination by mutual consent is now included within the scope of the act. A year has since passed, but the litigation […]

By | September 30th, 2013 ||

Social Dialogue On Employment Reforms Has Begun

On March 8 2013 the Dutch government, which has been in power since November 2012, started negotiations with the unions and employer representatives to reform key aspects of the employment legislation. This update considers the main changes proposed by the government in its coalition agreement, with a focus on the dismissal system.

The Dutch dismissal law is known for its dual system, which enables the employer to dismiss an employee either if it has been […]

By | September 28th, 2013 ||

Netherlands: Enforcing The Posting Directive

Over the past decade, the phenomenon of cross-border subcontracting has become even more popular. Increasingly often, foreign companies are part of a contracting chain and foreign employees are seconded to the Netherlands. The stimulation of the free movement of services seems to be successful. Further, it enhances the flexibility of the labour market. However, there are also negative points. The increased use of contracting chains leads to infringement of the rights of employees at […]

By | September 25th, 2013 ||