Canada: Watch Those Collective Agreement Time Limits!

A recent Alberta Court of Appeal decision (Alberta Health Services v. Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, July 5, 2013) has taught an employer a vital lesson about time limits in a collective agreement. The collective agreement in question said that “disciplinary action” “will be taken within fifteen (15) days… of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act.” The employer fired the […]

By | July 20th, 2013 ||

Italy: Croatian Employees Following Croatia Joining The European Union

Starting from July 1st 2013 Croatia joined the European Union, becoming the 28th Member State.

Starting from that date the enforced measures, foreseen by the Legislative Decree nr. 30 dated February 6th 2007, forfree circulation within the European Union territory become applicable to Croatian citizens.

For what concerns the access to the employment market, under the Treaty of attendance, for the first 2 years following the attendance (and eventually for other 3 years) to the Member States […]

By | July 17th, 2013 ||

New EEOC Suit Reminds Employers Not To Make Pregnancy-Related Inquiries

An EEOC Pregnancy Discrimination Act (“PDA”) lawsuit was just filed against a North Carolina restaurant on behalf of a  job applicant who was refused hiring because she was six months pregnant.

During the hiring interview, the applicant was asked how many months she had been pregnant, when she expected to deliver, her childcare plans, and how much maternity leave she planned to take. Three days later she was told that she was not hired, and “to call back after […]

By | July 15th, 2013 ||