Higher Education Practitioners: Living And Working In The UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) legal system is a federal system comprising seven Emirates, of which Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the largest and best known. The right of non-Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council nationals to live and work in the UAE is subject to the requirement to be sponsored for a residence visa and labour card by an employer with an established corporate presence in the UAE. This requirement can cause logistical and practical […]

By | July 4th, 2013 ||

Austria: New Law On Hiring-Out Of Labour

Based on directive 2008/104/EC, the Austrian hiring-out of labour law will be amended (RV 1903 dB. XXIV. GP). According to the directive, the national law should have been implemented by 5 December 2011. After a first failed attempt in February 2012 to implement the directive effective 1 July 2012, the implementation will now finally take place from 1 January 2013.

Furthermore, the new law on hiring-out of labour will not only implement the directive but […]

By | June 28th, 2013 ||

Ireland: Followers, Friends And Connections – The Ownership Of Social Media Contacts

Ownership of LinkedIn Contacts
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Holdings) Limited v Ions [2008] is the key UK decision dealing with the ownership of LinkedIn contacts in the employment context.

Mr. Ions worked as a recruiter with Hays before leaving and setting up a rival business. Hays suspected Mr. Ions of using confidential information concerning clients and contacts which he had copied from the Hays’ client database to his personal LinkedIn account.

Hays inspected Mr. Ions’ email account and found […]

By | June 26th, 2013 ||