Employers Are Provided Additional Ammunition To Defend FLSA Collective Actions

We have understood for many years that early assessment and action can help resolve claims by current and former employees. The Supreme Court recently provided employers with additional ammunition with which to derail, or even avoid, collective action lawsuits brought by current and former employees for unpaid minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). FLSA collective actions, similar to traditional class actions, allow an individual representative to pursue litigation on […]

By | June 21st, 2013 ||

Employee Ownership Index Companies Continue To Out-Perform Over The Long Term

Companies with significant employee ownership outperformed the FTSE All-Share in the first quarter of 2013, according to the UK Employee Ownership Index (EOI) published by law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP.  The share prices of companies’ in the EOI were up 13.7%, outperforming the FTSE All Share companies’ share prices which were up 9.3%.

The EOI is published by the Equity Incentives team at Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP.  It monitors the share price performance of […]

By | June 20th, 2013 ||

United Arab Emirates: KSA: Changing The Face Of The Workforce

Throughout March and April 2013, the KSA Ministry of Labour launched a series of surprise labour inspections designed to root out unlawful working in the Kingdom. The scale of the irregularities discovered lead to the declaration of an amnesty which will expire on 3 July 2013. With less than one month to go before the amnesty expires, we examine the impact of the amnesty and the authorities’ long term plans regarding labour and employment […]

By | June 17th, 2013 ||