What Health Care Reform Means For New Hampshire Employers In 2013 And 2014

National health care reform became a reality in March of 2010 by the passage of two pieces of federal legislation, “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” and the “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.” The legislation was designed to provide access to health insurance coverage for most Americans by imposing new responsibilities on employers, individuals and insurers, Medicare and Medicaid as well as the states. The legislation covers both insured and self-insured […]

By | March 3rd, 2013 ||

Germany: Background Checks On Job Applicants: What Is Allowed?

The words of the poet Friedrich Schiller, “So test therefore, who join (forever),” apply not only to relationships between romantic partners, but to relationships between employers and employees as well, since the employer and employee enter into a permanent debt relationship upon concluding an employment contract. Once the federally mandated protection against unlawful dismissal applies (i.e., after six months), the employee can be terminated only under very restricted conditions.
Initial Position: The Employer’s Right to […]

By | February 26th, 2013 ||

Economic Dependency Characterises Employment Relationships In Belgium?

The Act of 25 August 2012 (published in the Official Gazette of 11 September 2012) (the Act) amends the Labour Relations Act of 27 December 2006 (LRA) in that, amongst other amendments (of a procedural nature), it introduces for certain sectors of industry rebuttable presumptions to characterise a professional relationship as an employment relationship. These presumptions essentially reflect indications of economic dependency
Basic Rules
Under the LRA – and in line with well settled Supreme Court case […]

By | February 20th, 2013 ||