United States: The Increasing Importance Of Workplace Investigations

Harassment is one of the most frequent complaints brought by employees. Last month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission identified its priorities for 2013 in a new Strategic Enforcement Plan. Preventing harassment in the workplace was included in this list of priorities.

Not too long ago in Crawford v. Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, 555 U.S. 271 (2009), the United States Supreme Court reminded employers that they are subject to a “strong inducement to ferret […]

By | January 29th, 2013 ||

Poland: Newsletter Labour Law

I. Amendments to the labour law
1. Increase in the minimum salary
The minimum monthly gross salary was increased to PLN 1,600 (around EUR 400) as of date January 2013.

This development will also lead to increases in: the maximum statutory severance payment for dismissal for reasons not attributable to the employees (15 times the current minimum monthly salary); the bonus for working at night (20% of the hourly rate from the minimum monthly salary); the minimum […]

By | January 27th, 2013 ||

Hong Kong: LegCo To Discuss Paternity Leave Proposal

Legislating for paternity leave has remained a hot topic for debate in recent years. Following the implementation of a pilot scheme to give male civil servants 5 days of paternity leave, the Labour Advisory Board (LAB) has recently endorsed the Government’s proposal to give new fathers 3 days’ paternity leave.

A Proposal on Legislating for Paternity Leave will be tabled for discussion in the Legislative Council Panel on Manpower on Friday, 25 January 2013.

The proposed […]

By | January 20th, 2013 ||