Czech Republic: Employment Of Third Country Nationals

The employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic is governed by Act No. 435/2004 Sb., on Employment (the “Employment Act”). For the purposes of the Employment Act, a foreign national is not a citizen of the European Union or a member of his/her family, or a family member of a citizen of the Czech Republic that is not a citizen of the Czech Republic or another EU Member State.

A foreign national may only be […]

By | October 30th, 2012 ||

United Kingdom: TUPE Trouble: Time Is Not The Great Healer

Employers are faced with a number of limitations following a TUPE transfer, but most do not realise how long those restrictions might last. The recent decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the case of Manchester College v Hazel and Huggins has highlighted the issue. Will Walsh from our Employment Team explains.

Any dismissal of an employee will be automatically unfair where the sole or principal reason for the dismissal is either the transfer itself, or a […]

By | October 29th, 2012 ||

Czech State Aid Encourages Employers To Provide Employees With Education

The Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has created the project “Education for Stability” to support the maintenance of jobs for those employers who, due to the stagnation of the Czech economy, are temporarily unable to assign work to employees within the agreed range. In times when no work can be allocated to such employees, they shall be given the opportunity to attend training sessions or other education development sessions, which will be […]

By | September 18th, 2012 ||