Australia: Are you flying into danger with your workplace investigations?

It is an unfortunate fact of doing business that employers will be required to conduct workplace investigations from time to time. Whether these investigations are conducted internally or outsourced, an employer needs to ensure that the investigative process adopted is robust and ensures that all involved are afforded procedural fairness. This includes ensuring that the process complies with any policies or procedures the employer has in place. Recent decisions of FWA highlight the potential […]

By | May 13th, 2012 ||

Ireland: Employment Matters – Easter 2012

In Employment Matters, the Arthur Cox Employment Law Group Newsletter, we look at a range of issues across our practice area and some recent and prospective developments in law. We had hoped the Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Bill 2011 would by now be signed into law but it still has to be passed by the Seanad. The next edition of our Newsletter will contain a full analysis of the new legislation, and we […]

By | April 23rd, 2012 ||

United Arab Emirates: A Public Holiday With A Difference

Emiri Decree No.(80) of 2011 (Decree) was published in the Official Gazette on 15 January 2012 and with its publication the majority of employees in Qatar were granted a new public holiday, however this particular public holiday is a public holiday with a difference; it is in fact a National Sports Day. The Decree provides that Ministries, Government Departments, public sector institutions as well as other organisations, including those in the private sector, shall […]

By | April 23rd, 2012 ||