Kim Boreham and Rowan Varty speak at HKIHRM Seminar

Partner Kim Boreham and Solicitor Rowan Varty, both from our Band 1 Employmentpractice, were invited on 28 March by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management to host a seminar on restrictive covenants.

Close to 50 human resources professionals filled the room to hear Kim and Rowan speak about non-compete covenants, non-solicitation of clients covenants, non-dealing with clients covenants, non-solicitation/poaching of employees, and much more. The enforceability of these covenants was also discussed in the talk, along with […]

By | April 4th, 2018 ||

Polish Employee Capital Plans

On February 8th, 2018, the Polish Ministry of Finance released the long-awaited first draft of the bill on employee capital plans (Ustawa o pracowniczych planach kapitałowych). It is one of the measures implementing the governmental Strategy for Responsible Development (also dubbed Morawiecki’s plan after the current Polish prime minister) and aims to increase the financial security of Polish citizens facing a decreasing value of pensions in the existing pension scheme. Another goal is to […]

By | March 1st, 2018 ||

Amendment Of Regulation Regarding Employee Consent For Overtime

Overtime in Turkey is regulated by Article 41 of the Labour Act (4857) and the Regulation on Overtime. According to the Labour Act, employee consent is required for overtime. Before the recent amendment was introduced, overtime was regulated by the Regulation on Overtime, under which employers were obliged to obtain the written consent of employees for overtime at the beginning of each year. However, the obligation of receiving employee consent annually was highly criticised […]

By | February 23rd, 2018 ||