Dr Michalak and the GMC – Individuals can bring discrimination claims against their regulators in the Employment Tribunal

In the case of Dr Ewa Michalak, the Supreme Court has held that an individual can bring a discrimination claim against the General Medical Council (GMC) in the Employment Tribunal.

This potentially opens the floodgates for discrimination claims against other ‘qualification bodies’ which confer, renew or extend an ‘authorisation, qualification, recognition, registration, enrolment, approval or certification, which is needed for, or facilitates engagement in, a particular trade or profession.’
General Medical Council (GMC)
The GMC is a […]

By | November 9th, 2017 ||

EU: Employment News For November 2017

The new Data Protection Bill, which will replace the current Data Protection Act 1998, has had its first parliamentary reading and is due to have its second reading on 10 October 2017. The Bill will bring the European General Data Protection Regulation standards into national law, ensuring that the UK’s data protection regime is in line with EU standards after Brexit. There will be more control for individuals over the use of their personal […]

By | November 9th, 2017 ||

Russia: Can Employment Contracts Stipulate Dispute Jurisdiction?

Goltsblat BLP advises that Ruling No.75-KG17-4 of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (the “Ruling”) held that employment contract clauses may not restrict employees’ rights to go to court at their place of registration.

October saw enactment of significant amendments to the labour legislation (for more detail see our Legal Update No.579), including crucial new provisions of the Russian Civil Procedure Code regarding jurisdiction over labour disputes. Labour disputes used to be referred to a court at […]

By | November 7th, 2017 ||