2017 Labor & Employment Legislative Update

Pay equity and Ban The Box bills lead the list of bills approved to continue their quest (moving to the other house of the California Legislature) to become California law.

Friday, June 2, marked the last day for bills in the California Legislature to pass out of their house of origin—the Senate or Assembly—and continue the legislative process for a shot at becoming a new California Peculiarity. Pay equity and Ban The Box bills lead the […]

By | July 6th, 2017 ||

Tips On Employee Raiding For Tennessee Employers

Few things get a business more fired up than a competitor “stealing” a group of its top performers. On its face, there’s nothing wrong with “corporate raiding”—targeting a large number of a competitor’s employees—in Tennessee or most other states. After all, it’s a free country, right? However, there are several potential pitfalls along the way. If it’s not done right, a lawsuit could be lurking around the corner. One employer found this out the […]

By | June 30th, 2017 ||

When Should An Employer Require An Employee To Obtain ILA?

The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court in Mottillo v. O.E. Canada Inc. provides a useful reminder of the purpose of independent legal advice (or “ILA”) in the context of a subsequent action that tests the enforceability of a contract.

In this case, the Plaintiff entered into an employment agreement with O.E. Canada Inc. which included, as part of his remuneration, equity and profit sharing provisions.

In addition to an employment agreement, the Plaintiff signed an option […]

By | June 28th, 2017 ||