U.S. Dept Of Labor Issues Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking On Rescinding “Persuader Rule”

On June 12, 2017, the Labor Management Standards Office of the U.S. Department of Labor issued a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” to rescind a 2016 final rule (referred to as the “Persuader Rule”), passed under the Obama Administration, which would have required employers and labor management consultants to report to the DOL their “indirect persuader activities” with workers during union organizing campaigns. The 2016 rule marked a significant departure from the DOL’s prior, long-standing […]

By | June 26th, 2017 ||

Challenges of Enforcing Restrictive Covenants Across State Lines

Employers who operate in a multi-state environment should take note of a recent case out of the Sixth Circuit (which governs employers that operate in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.) Stone Surgical, LLC v. Stryker Corporation involved a departing sales representative from Stryker, a medical-device manufacturing company headquartered in Michigan. The sales rep lived and worked in Louisiana through his company Stone Surgical, LLC and was responsible for Stryker’s South Louisiana territories. As a condition of […]

By | June 20th, 2017 ||

Finland – How To Commit The Employees Of A Startup

The startup world can be a ruthless place for an early-stage startup starting its journey to world domination. Everything is new and the legal do’s and don’ts can be found around each corner. One key element that often defines the future of an early-stage startup is evolving around the team – I bet you didn’t expect that one, but the significance of the actual team cannot be overly emphasized. We at Nordic Law have […]

By | June 14th, 2017 ||