Pokémon Go In The Workplace: Oh Look There’s A Pikachu!

Did you know that the world is now inhabited by creatures called Pokémon? (Or maybe they’ve always been there?) Some run across the plains; others fly through the skies; and some live in the mountains….and some, yes, some, are located right in your workplace. Through the magic of downloading Pokémon Go to your smartphone, you too can see these creatures and catch them for some apparently critical scientific testing.

Employers not familiar with Pikachu, Charizard, […]

By | July 29th, 2016 ||

Clampdown On Disguised Remuneration Schemes

Following the statement made by the Chancellor in the Spring 2016 Budget, further changes may be made to legislation to combat what has been commonly termed as ‘disguised remuneration’.

The primary target of disguised remuneration (DR) is the employee benefit trust (EBT) which received contributions from an employer, with such contributions being used to either make: (i) investments which are earmarked for a specified employee; or (ii) a loan to the employee.

When the DR legislation […]

By | July 27th, 2016 ||

Canada: Major Blow To Federal Employers’ Right To Terminate Employees

In a 158-0 vote, the Massachusetts House of Representatives voted to approve the so-called Pay Equity Act. The Act makes it unlawful for any employer to discriminate “in any way on the basis of gender in the payment of wages,” or to pay someone of a different gender less for comparable work. The term “comparable work” is defined as work which requires substantially similar “skill, effort and responsibility,” and is performed under similar working […]

By | July 25th, 2016 ||